Wednesday 24 February 2016

2016 ?

it's been like... what? two years since i've log in to this blog hahah
looking back at my old posts, i feel kinda stupid lmao i was an idiot back then.
anyways, it's already 2016. And i'm taking SPM this year. i still can't believe i have SPM this year because it doesn't feel like it xD  i'm still trying my best to achieve my goals and let me tell you something; it's been tough.Trying to reach my goals is not that easy and i know that. Hopefully, one day i'll get to achieve those goals.

wish me luck for SPM! <3

Saturday 18 January 2014

Woah 2014 Already!

Hallo people who is reading this! :) Happy 2014! I know its late now but i dont care.... hehehe... So far 2014 is 60% okay.... Why? Bc sekolah dah banyak giler kerja kena buat ughh menyampah tau.. kadang2 ade rase cam nk bunuh diri sebb kerja sekolah, PBS pastu PPMR lah nnti -,- Mcm2lah sekolah ni... Kerajaan pun same pfft

As you can see, today is 18/1/2014.... So, It's me bday! :) I got lots of wishes from my friends and family... Tinah and my other cousins sang a song for me in Whatsapp and im overwhelmed hahaha... I just love all my cousins soo much eventho i know some of them hate me bc im annoying :/ so yeah.... but i love it hahaha

So today lepas guitar class pergi KLCC pastu makan kat Chillis. Dpt makan my fav mashed potato :9 YUM! Mmg sedap! I recomended you guys try ha.... Lepas tu jln2 kat klcc and then pergi Festival City untuk cari my guitar for my birthday tapi takde. So lepas tu pergi Bentleys(?) pulak and dapat cari my guitar i want tapi orang tu kata store dah tutup and tak dapat belilah :( Mmg sedih ah tadi pastu sampai sekarang mood rase cam..... tkde mood langsung...

Worst bday ever

I hope tomorrow dapat bday present yang i want :/ I hope so.... And i think 2014 is gonna be the worst year ever than 2013... Ahhh i miss 2012 :''''(( Time flies so fast, right? hmmm....

So.... theres nothing i can say. From today on, my dad akan selalu i belajar and belajar je..... Sebenarnya bosan ah asyik kena belajar like srsly... Belajar music instrument lagi best lol...

Find me here:

Twitter: @Qilah99

xoxo, Q.

Friday 19 July 2013

Selamat Berpuasa!

hey guys.. Assalamualaikum! Dah lama tak berblogging hahaha ok. Well, dah bulan July and it's bulan ramadhan!

Yippie yay bulan puasa! Yang tak sabarnya ialah raya nnti =P hehehe nk kumpul duit and beli barang yg Qilah nk hehehe

Anyways, selamat berpuasa dekat semua orang islam di dunia. Semoga anda sihat selalu. Duit raya nnti kumpul kan... So, ni dah hari yg ke.... tak ingatlah yg ke berape tapi dah mcm seminggu. Qilah nk puasa penuh InsyaAllah kalau takde ape2....

Sorrylah Qilah dah takde pape nk ckp =( BUT nnti raya, ade banyak update (kot) dan gambar2lah... Tunggu jelah. So, selamat berpuasa dan selamat hari raya =D

Find me here:

Twitter: @Qilah99
Instagram: qilahchance

Ciao x
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